One Body With Many Parts

Posted on February 7, 2014


I’ve been involved with local church leadership here in Tucson, AZ since 2008 and for a little more than two years now, I’ve been engaged in the process of finding my teaching voice as a leader in a local church. I remember, not too long ago, sitting in an elder meeting making the statement “I am not a public speaker. Please do not ask me to explore the bible with the body on Sunday morning.” God allowed me a short season to be quiet, but I think that time has passed.

At the time of making that statement, I was convinced I would never be a pastor leading a church body. My time serving the body at that church was amazing and I learned much about myself as a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband to my wife, and how I feel called to serve. The leadership in that church are passionate about bringing the message of the gospel to the lost in order to help them find their way back to God, a mission I love more than words can say. I was invested fully in the success of that church and then discovered that the design of serving implanted on my heart did not fit the model for multiplication embraced by that church.

It didn’t make sense to me at the time, but it was clear that I was not going to be able to do what God was calling me to do if I stayed. It didn’t make sense to me because I was in a place where God was at the center of everything, a place that held (and continues to hold) a high standard to help the body understand biblical roles in marriage, and where community involvement was (and still is) the foundation of lives that experience fruit of the Spirit and the joy of the Lord.

Why would I have an overwhelming sense of needing to leave? We had wonderful community led by compassionate and dedicated leadership with a focus on God. It was because of the leadership that I needed to leave. I had been led to understand that I needed to put God first in all things, and what I felt God was calling ME to do could not be done in that local church.

Today, I can tell you that I’ve been working with the leadership of my our current local church to fulfill the vision of planting other churches in Tucson, AZ. The mission of our current church is the same as our previous church: reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the different models used to multiply churches and I cannot say with 100% certainty that one model is better than another. I know that model we are pursuing at CrossRoads Church is: Train up a number of people and send them out to preach and teach a number of people to send them out. Multiplication of churches led by bible teachers who teach others to lead.

The instructions on a shampoo bottle are simple, clear and easy to follow: wash, rinse repeat. I think we need to apply the same simplicity to the instructions of the bible: disciple/train, send out, repeat. God will take care building His church and there is nothing we can do to change that fact. I look forward to the day that I am sent out to plant a new church and serving the people God will bring.

I’ve attached a few articles about multi-site churches versus the traditional church plant model.

Malphurs: Multi-Site vs. Church Planting?
by Ed Stetzer

Should Multisite Campuses Be Church Plants Instead?
Church leaders and observers weigh in on a current debate.

Why Multi-Site?
Blackhawk Church in Middleton, WI

I’d like to know which model you feel inclined to support and why.